Upload files
This tools is useful when there is a need for uploading files from user browser to the application server. For instance, an user can send source raster files to the server and then process those by Raster loader tool.
Please note
In order to upload files to the ‘EarthlightData\Uploaded\’ directory, please follow these steps below:
1. Go to the Administration tab and Open the ‘Upload files’ tool.
2. Click the ‘Select files to upload’ button.
3. Select desired files and click the ‘Open’ button in Windows Explorer.
4. Uploading of your files should start.
5. Next please enter a name which will be the name of the directory with your uploaded files.
For instance, when you will enter ‘upload_test_directory’, your uploaded files will be present in the ‘EarthlightData\Uploaded\upload_test_directory’ on the server.
6. Click the ‘Apply’ button.
7. The dialog with information where files were copied, should appear.
8. Now files should be in the selected directory on the server.