This tool enables you to check who worked on any of the data in Earthlight. You can display all Query logs and logs grouped by:
- Resource by action,
- Resource by action and date,
- User by action,
- User by action and date.
You can also limit displayed logs to specific:
- Users
- Actions
- Resources
- Subresources
- Data range ('Date from:' and 'Date to:' fields)
Please note that the Users list of Logs tool contains only users that have logged into Earthlight at least once.
Please note
Log query types
Query logs
The Query logs query is default log query which returns most information about logged actions. It has 6 columns:
- Id - it is an id of logged action,
- User - user which has performed an action,
- Action - name of the action,
- Resource - information about resource which action was performed on,
- Subresource - it is a primary key of the changed/added/deleted record for editing operations or a duration of a session for 'Earthlight session' or 'Aurora session' actions.
- Action date - shows when logged action was performed.
Resource by action
The Resource by action query displays two columns:
- Resource - name of the resource,
- Count - it is a number of all actions performed on this resource (for selected conditions).
Resource by action and date
The Resource by action and date query allows to examine how many actions were taken on specific resource, but with a distinction of days. The query returns 3 columns and first and last are the same as in the Resource by action query.
- Resource - name of the resource,
- Action date - it is a day which actions were performed,
- Count - it is a number of all actions performed on this resource (for selected conditions and specified day).
User by action
This query allows determining which user performed how many actions. It has two columns:
- User - name of a user,
- Count - it is a number of actions performed by the user.
User by action and date
The last query is called User by action and date. It is similar to the previous one, but it has and additional column with date. Displayed columns:
- User - name of a user,
- Action date - it is a day which actions were performed,
- Count - it is a number of actions performed by the user on specified day.
Saving the report
All reports generated by Logs tool can be saved to a CSV file. To do so, please prepare a report and click the Save as CSV button in the bottom-right corner of the Logs tool window.
After a few seconds Resource ready to download window will appear:
You can now decide to open the CSV file immediately by clicking the Open button or you can save it in a selected location by clicking the Save button.