StatMap Traffic Regulation Orders

StatMap Traffic Regulation Orders

StatMap eVO TRO provides highway authorities with a clear and easy means of accurately maintaining legally enforceable TROs whose status and extent are unambiguously defined on the ground; so allowing highway authorities to ensure that infringements of implemented orders are not able to be challenged due to vagueness in terms of location and real extent.

Advanced GIS / mapping capabilities of eVO TRO provides authorities with the chance to migrate away from purely text-based systems, but also affords authorities with the opportunity of preserving and maintaining their rich text-based order information alongside the map-based TROs.

Being built upon the eVO technology platform – and the advanced spatial analytical engine which underpins our enterprise GIS Earthlight – the mapping capabilities of eVO TRO are unequalled. However, eVO TRO also incorporates the abilities of our advanced SaaS case management systems, incorporating the following:

  • Public-facing TRO schedules Portal: a map-based public-facing portal for TRO / TMO schedules is provided for highway authorities to publish their Live and confirmed TROs / TMOs in a map-based format (and also present all accompanying text-based information). This is purely optional for highway authorities, but comes as part of the SaaS implementation and is under the control of the highway authority;

  • Case management system records: a full and rich record maintained alongside the mapping spatial extent;

  • Incorporates the creation and maintenance of Moving Orders: speed limits, banned turns, bus gates, lorry bans and other restrictions affecting the movement of vehicles;

  • Ordnance Survey PSGA hosted and managed mapping service;

  • Fully integrated advanced web-GIS.

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