Land Charges Main Tab
Start typing the postcode or part of the address in Find Address of the Search Address/Location
This populates the next few fields
Click on the 3 dots near the Applicant field, to search the pre-populated list of applicants. If your applicant is not listed, refer to LC Settings > Contacts.
The contacts automatically list in alphabetical order, but you can start typing the name and it will reduce the list:
If the address isn’t populated you can enter it.
In the Find Address field there is a small globe, this toggles between the NLPG and the LLPG
Continue to complete the next few fields where applicable:
The orange question mark icons give hints as to what is required.
Enter ticks for the type of search, all 3 can be selected if required:
Personal search can also now be performed in the system, if you carry these out on their behalf.
Add ticks to the relevant parts, or optional Con29 questions:
Then Click Save. Now in top right corner of the screen.
The Status has now changed and informs you of the next steps: