Status Bar
Changing the interface (map area size)
Clicking left/right angel bracket button shows/hides Key(legend) Area and Inspector Area. It can be used to nearly double the size of Map Area field.
Graphic scale
A graduated line that indicates the length in feets, metters or kilometers as they appear on a map. The line has the advantage of remaining true after the map is enlarged or reduced in reproduction.
Map reference
Shows the reference of the current viewport.
The formula: [2 Grid letters] [4 figures(easting)] [4 figures(northing)].
The grid letters can be checked on the map below:
After putting the map reference the viewport and scale will be set automatically.
For example:
- SK88 will set the scale to ca. 1:65536
- SK8080 – ca. 1:8192
- SK800800 – ca. 1:512
Cursor X and Y coordinates
Shows X and Y projected coordinates for the current cursor location. User can use this field to set starting point for the tools in Earthlight.
Shows scale for the current view on the map. User can manually set the scale.
Address search
Address search box allows the user to quickly find location of desired address by entering only a few details like postcode or house name. The user can type in a query parts in any order and instant feedback allows to quickly zero at required gazetteer records.
When the user types in a part of the address, her inputs is tokenized i.e. split into individual words and the following rules are applies:
- If a token starts with the number, returned records must contain exact match.
- For instance: 1a will match "1a High Street" but not "11a High Street"
- If a token starts with the letter and it is the last token in the query, return records must contain words which starts or exactly matches the last token.
- For instance:2 ham will match "2 HAM DRIVE" or "FLAT 2 HAMMERSMITH LANE" but not "2 GREYHAM ROAD"
- If a token is a postcode, a part of the postcode, a postcode separated by a space then return records must contain postcode which starts or exactly matches the token.
- For instance:dn21 3 and dn213 will match all records which postcodes start with "DN21 3" but will not match "3 RAM AVENUE DN21 6DF"
- If a token is not the last token or the query ends with a space then returned records must contain exact match.
- For instance:4 ham ro will match "4 HAM ROAD" but not "4HAMMER ROAD". However 4 ham query without a space or ro after ham token will match both examples.
- Matching records are sorted based on two keys:
High priority key which prefers records with shorter words which matches query tokens.
For instance:5 be query will give higher priority to 5 BEE STREET than to 5 BEETROOT STREET
Low priority key which is used when high priority key cannot differentiate records. Low priority key orders records based on Order key expression which is set in Layer Properties/Expression tab. For instance if Order key expression prefers house numbers it will force all records from BEE STREET to be presented in the correct order.
Low priority key uses natural sort algorithm, i.e. the correct order is 1..8,9,10 and not 1, 10, 2..9
Only the first 100 matches are being displayed.