Maps Layout: Controls
In Earthlight 2020, you can customize the placement of Map Control such as Quick Address Search or Scale Bar.
Most fields in Map Layout: Controls tab represents a section of a map pane where a specified control will be displayed.
Location on the map pane in which the added control will be displayed.
Already added controls will be listed in a filed.
Edit option allows adding/removing Controls to/from a field.
Once the Clear option is used, all fields will be cleared and set into Inherited state.
The Clear button at top of Map Layout: Controls tab will remove all controls set up on a current level (user, group or global) and make all fields to inherit controls configuration from higher levels.
By adding a Map Control to a field, it is possible to customize an interface to your liking.
BackdropSelector – Backdrop layers selection pane. Requires Backdrop layers to be set in a Map Properties.
GazetteerSearchBox – Quick Address Search.
InsetMap – Inset Map window. Requires Inset map path to be set up in User Settings -> General tab.
MapRefBox – Grid tile information.
ScaleBar – adds scale bar
ScaleBox – adds scale box
SpinnerBar – displays a spinning circle when map is loading
ViewportUnitsBox – allows units to be changed.
ViewportWidthDisplayBox – displays current viewport width
ViewportZoomBar – allows zooming to the selected area as well as jump between last viewports.
Windrose – adds windrose which can also be used to change viewports.
XYBox – adds box which displays information about X and Y of the mouse cursor.
ZoomButtons – can be used to zoom in or zoom out.