

The Inspect tool allows you to click around the map and the information which has been made selectable will be displayed on the right hand side. The top half is a summary of all the data, and the lower half is showing the details.

You can increase or limit inspected area by using tools in the Inspect Settings panel. 

The Inspect Settings panel contains 2 tools:

1. Buffer

This tool allows you to increase the inspection area by certain value (in metres). The Buffer is displayed on the map view. All records included inside the buffer area will be displayed on the Inspected record panel.

2. Inspection shape layer

The Inspection shape layer tool allows you to inspect records from all layers contained inside a geometry from the selected layer. To select a layer please click on the box below the tool name to open a drop-down list and click on the layer’s name.

Below you can find a described usage of the Inspection shape layer tool:

In this example we are using 2 layers. First layer named 'Polygon layer' contains only 1 record – a rectangle. Second layer named 'Tourist symbol' contains 5 point type records placed inside the rectangle. We’ve picked 'Polygon layer'  from the Inspection shape layer tool drop-down list. Next, we’ve used the Inspect tool to inspect the rectangle. As a result in Inspected Record panel we could see 1 record from the 'Polygon layer' (rectangle) and 5 records from the 'Tourist symbol'. In this case the Inspect tool displayed records from 'Tourist symbol' layer because they were included inside the area of record that belongs to the 'Polygon layer'.

Please not that in the example above we use inspection on layers marked as "S" on the key pane.

Marquee inspection

To inspect several records which are close to each other, you can use marquee inspection. To do this, please press and hold Shift key, click and hold left mouse button where your marquee should start (you can release Shift key) and move your cursor to inspect all desired records with black rectangle which will appear. After releasing the mouse button, inspected records will be displayed on the Inspection pane.

The result:

Circle Inspection

In order to use circle inspection, please press and hold Ctrl key, click and hold left mouse button where the centre of a circle should be (you can release Ctrl key) and move your cursor to inspect all desired records with black circle which will appear. After releasing the mouse button, inspected records will be displayed on the Inspection pane.

There are two ways of clearing inspection results.
  1. First method is to click on Clear text in top right corner of Inspection panel. 
  2. Second method is to click on Clear inspection button. 


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