Land Charges Map Tab
Click on Redefine Boundary
The Map automatically opens and relocates to the correct address. You must click Edit, top right to be able to capture the boundary.
It also defines a boundary, and if you are happy with the extent, just click Accept
If not, then click Clear and redraw using Freehand or Clone tool
Use Freehand if there is no underlying base map to use.
Use Clone if base map has defined polygons.
Click Clone, then click each polygon until all areas are yellow, then click Accept
The map shows the captured search polygon:
The summary page shows the status as Ready for Spatial Check
Return to the map tab, and click Edit. Click Spatial Check
The results are shown on the left side pane and can be deselected if not required for your search. Once you are confident you have the correct information, click Accept.
If any results are shown and they shouldn’t be, these can be easily removed, or marked for later review with a note:
The Summary Status field now shows App is waiting for response.