Add Layers
This tool allows users to add layers to the map.
Add Layers window contains 4 sections:
1. Map:
Here users can see current map key pane. If any layer or group is selected here, newly added layers will appear right under it. If none is selected, layers will be added on top of key pane. Users can also drag and drop layers from Layers: section (3) right into Map: section (1) to be added in a desired position.
2. Directories:
This is a directory tree of your Main Repository
3. Layers:
Here users can see content of folder currently selected in Directory: section (2). From here users can add selected layers in 3 ways: by double-clicking, drag and droping into a Map: section (1) or using Add Layer button at the bottom of a window (section 4). It is possible to add multiple layers at once by marking them one by one while holding Ctrl key, or selecting range, holding Shift key.
4. This section contains action buttons.
- Group – allows user to group or ungroup already added layers or create new empty group,
- Remove – removes layers or groups from key pane,
- More – contains Copy layer properties and Save layer as options,
- Add Layer – allows adding layer, grid layer or duplicate layer.