Find Address

Find Address

Find Address is Earthlight’s gazetteer searching tool. This is most commonly used for looking up addresses, street names or post codes. It is possible to link to an existing Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG), and advice from StatMap should be sought. If you haven’t got a working LLPG it is possible to create a layer in the “Gazetteers” folder. If this folder doesn’t exist already then you should create it. When you create the layer, if you are using an existing table, you can set the fields that are needed for the gazetteer in the Schema tab of the Vector Layer Properties dialog.
Once this has been done then when you select the Find Address command it allows you to select one of the defined gazetteers and enter search terms into the fields that have been defined. You can then click Find and Earthlight will perform a search. If any records are found then the count is shown at the bottom of the dialog. Next click Drill Down through Layers, and the map is repositioned at the location and the address is displayed in the Inspect tab on the right of the screen.



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