Expressions' Gismos

Expressions' Gismos

Gismos Expressions provide users with the possibility of adding images, charts, and StreetView elements to certain panes of Earthlight’s interface. 

Below is a short description of this functionality as well as the guide for the configuration of each element.

Summary Gismos – Presents elements on the Flows tab as a result of executing a flow.

Details Gismos – Presents elements after selecting the record in the Check window

Check Gismos  – Presents elements on the Check dialog box

Configuration of Image Gismos

  1. Title – the title of an image

  2. Description – the description of an image

  3. Image URL – URL address of an image

  4. Link URL – link to an external website or other resources. Clicking on the image will open the provided URL in a new browser window.

Configuration of Chart Gismos

  1. Title – the title of a chart

  2. Description – description of a chart

  3. Type – the type of a chart (pie, as seen on the screenshot above, column and line)

  4. Fields – here users can define columns containing data to be displayed on the chart.

Configuration of StreetView Gismos is pretty much self–explanatory. After setting its title and description it will display a Google StreetView image in the pane it was set for. Clicking on the image will open StreetView in a new browser window.


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