Approval Tab

Approval Tab

Generates the letters or emails to various recipients – Royal Mail, Statutory Consultees, Applicant, etc.  Attachments can also be linked to the emails going out.

Click Select Category and choose the appropriate template.

There are two templates available under the General letters category, this is to request a layout plan or to send the letter to say development has commenced,

The Royal Mail category has an email template already set up to send to RM to request a postcode.

If you want to attach a plan showing the development, click Edit and then attach the plan.

If no attachment is needed to be attached, just click Send Email.

The RM email address will be added when the system goes live.

The email can be edited but has been set up to request up to 5 street name postcodes.

Statutory Authorities have the option to add attachments.

All Statutory Authorities email addresses will be added to the template prior to going live.


The Confirming Document is the correspondence that is sent to the applicant.

Click Generate Confirming Document, and depending on the process the correct template is generated.

Always Click Confirming Doc. Under the attachments to attach this letter to the email that is sent.  You can also attach another file if required.

Then click Send Email.

Street Names:

If the road name is acceptable, then on the Approval tab, put a tick in the

Original Street Name tick box for each name.

Once you are ready to approve the application enter a tick in Checked, which then prompts for the postcode to be entered for each street.

These details are then included in the Confirming letter which is generated.

Click Save

Click Attach files to add in any plans

Click Confirming document to generate the email with the two attachments included.


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