Image Element
Available in PDF and Image templates.
This tool allows you to add an image to your print.
When you click on the transparent area you are prompted to select an image file using the operating system’s open file dialog.
When you have done this you can then click on the print layout page to create a rectangle that will contain the image (similar to the text control). Alternatively you can click and hold left mouse button which will allow to resize the image.
This is how an example of the Image element looks in print:
Image properties window allows you to attach a Field to the image placeholder and decide whether large images should be rescaled before being uploaded to the server.
Just like Label placeholders, the image placeholder which is attached to a field defined in Print Page Layout will be configurable at the time of printing.
After opening an print layout in Print tool you will be able to add new image in the place of the one configured in print layout.
After clicking on "Upload Image..." button you are prompted to select an image file using the operating system’s open file dialog.