Field Editor

Field Editor

Field Editor tool allows to edit fields which are filed with appropriate content at the time of printing. The fields must be configured for each layout individually.

Page Layout Field Editor contains 2 main tabs: User-defined fields and Predefined fields

User-defined fields and Predefined fields must placed in square brackets [ ] inside a Label element to correctly display selected field values.

User-defined fields tab

This tab allows you to add/modify the fields that are presented in a Print Settings window (screen above). It contains 2 sections:

  1. Fields:
    In this section you can see a list of currently added fields. You can also add new or modify existing fields by using 4 buttons:

    • Add
      This option adds new field to the field list
    • Delete
      Deleted selected field
    • Move up arrow (It's located near the right edge of the section)
      Moves the filed up in the fields list.
    • Move down arrow (It's located near the right edge of the section)
      Moves the filed down in the fields list. 

  2. Details
    This section allows you to configure selected field. There are 5 options in this section:

    • Name
      Sets a name for the field. You need to put this name in square brackets inside a Label element in order to display selected value in print.
    • Description
      The description is a title of a field. It is displayed in Print Settings window.

    • Default value
      This option allows you to set a default value. This value is set when a layout is selected in Print Settings window.
    • Predefined choices
      Here you can create a list of choices that will be available in selected field drop-down list. Each list element must be entered in separate line.

    • Limit values to predefined choices
      When checked, it blocks an opportunity to enter a different value in a field in Print Settings window.
      In the screenshot below you can find that Creator field is limited to the predefined choices. Values in the location field are only suggestions, any value can be entered there.


Predefined fields tab

This tab contains shows a list and description of 5 predefined fields. These fields can be used in print layout Label elements to display the following data:

  • [DATE] – Returns current date. The field can be configured to display the following date formats:


    Please note the capital “M”, as the lower case “m” would insert the systems minutes count instead of the month.
  • [TIME] – Returns current time (HH:MM:SS format)
  • [SCALE] – Returns print scale of main map element
  • [INSET_SCALE] – Returns print scale of inset map element
  • [USER] – Returns user name

How to use User-defined and Predefined fields

To explain how to use fields we will use the following settings:

In the presented example we want to create 3 fields. One allows to select a name of a person who created the print. The second one allows to select a location. The third one allows to enter a description. 

[Creator] field contains a closed list of names.
[Location] field contains a list of locations.
[Description] field allows to enter any text.

Our next step is to add a Label to our layout which will display an appropriate content at the time of printing. This is how it looks:

The Label element contains 5 rows:

  • Creator: [Creator]
    In the first row we have entered text Creator: followed by the field name in square brackets [Creator]. To use a field value in prints you have to put its name in square brackets. Value selected in the first field will be displayed in this place.
  • Location: [Location]
    Here we have entered a standard text Location: followed by the second field name in square brackets [Select_Location]. Value selected in the second field will be displayed in this place.
  • Description: [Description]
    Here we have entered a standard text Descriptionfollowed by the third field name in square brackets [Description]. Value entered in the third field will be displayed in this place.
  • Date: [DATE]
    In this row we want to display a current date. To obtain such result we will use a predefined field. [DATE] field returns current date.
  • Scale: [SCALE]
    This is also a predefined field. It returns print scale.

Now please save the page layout and go to Print tool.

In the Print Map window please select recently saved Page layout. In this example it is A4 Landscape Internal Print. 
In the picture you can see that 1:50000 scale has been selected. The print field has been propagated with custom values. 

Please compare the two images below. The first one shows how the Label element looks in Page Layout. The second – how it looks when printed. 
The filed values has been propagated with the values from Print Map window. 

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