Aurora labels
Aurora labels
This documentation part explains what is the location of each label listed in Labels tab of Aurora Script Settings.
- CloseWorkflow label
This label is displayed next to X symbol in most workflows. Clicking the label or X symbol will close the workflow. - PushpinInfo label
The label text is displayed next to the Pushpin. It can be used to provide additional information for the users. - ZoomToAllResults label
Clicking this label will automatically change the map scale to display all records fetched by the selected workflow. - NextButton label
This text is displayed as a description of a 'next' button in Aurora forms. - BackButton label
This text is displayed as a description of a 'back/previous' button in Aurora forms.
and also in Select Location task interface: - FindButton label
This label changes the text inside find button in the Select Location task interface. - LinkButton label
This label changes text displayed on Link button. - LinkReady label
This field controls the text displayed above the URL generated by Link tool. - PrintButton label
This text is displayed inside Print button in the Aurora's main iterface. - PrintWait label
This label is displayed in the middle of the Aurora interface when a print is being generated by the system. - PrintReady label
This text is displayed when print generated by the system is ready to be opened. - LocationRequired label
This label is displayed in all tasks where you need to place a pushpin on a map in order to select desired location. - AddressWatermark label
This text is displayed as a watermark in Address location bar. - AddressLabel label
This label is placed on the left hand side of Address location bar. - ClickToCollapseTooltip label
This text is displayed when a mouse cursor is hovered above + symbol in the map legend. - ClickToExpandTooltip label
This text is displayed when a mouse cursor is hovered above + symbol in the map legend.
- ShowMyLocationTooltip label
This tooltip is displayed when you hover mouse cursor above Show My Location tool.
- SendMailWait label
The text is displayed when Send record via Email task processes the email.
- RequiredField label
This label is shown when user tries to send a form without filling all required fields in Aurora forms.