Configuration of the Inspect Query

Configuration of the Inspect Query

In this guide we will prepare a query which will allow a user to launch Aurora with a parameter to locate post office by a postcode. Of course the map and layers we are using are specific to our database and reflect the data we are working on.

In the Inspect Query window we will set:

  • Name: Postoffice
  • Layer: Post offices
  • Column: Postcode

If you have set everything for the new query please click OK.

Now you can see your new query on the list. After clicking it you can Edit… it or Delete by clicking the proper buttons below. If you’ve finished queries configuration you can click OK to close the Aurora Script Settings.

Please save you script now by clicking the Save button.

Now you have to set a layer tag for the selected layer ( in our case it was the Post officeslayer). To do that please go to Earthlight Map tab and open the layer properties.

In the layer properties General tab you can enter the Tag name:

We’ve set Tag  poffice.

Please save the changes to the map now by clicking Save button in the Map tab.

Now you are ready to check how the new query works. To do that you need to know an exact value of searched field. In this case we wanted to locate a post office by its postcode so we need to know the postcode.

To obtain a postcode we can use an Earthlight Table tab.

We’ve selected Post offices from the dropdown list and lets suppose that we are interested in Jamaica Road P.O which has a postcode SE16 4SN.

Please go to Aurora Creator tab now and click Preview to launch the Aurora script.

This is an example Aurora link:


To check the query we need to add start parameters for the Aurora script. The underlined text represents the Aurora start parameters:



&show_layers=poffice is needed to make Post offices layer visible. We’ve used the layer Tag in this parameter.

&inspect_query=Postoffices this is our inspected query name which we’ve set in the Aurora Script settings  Inspect Queries tab.

&inspect_value=SE16%204SN this is a value for the inspected query. The postcode was SE16 4SN. That’s why the inspect value is SE16%204SN (the white space must be changed with %20 for the URL).

&drill_down=true this parameter is needed if you want to automatically open inspection box in selected location.

For more information and examples of Aurora start parameters please visit: Aurora start parameters

This is how the Aurora window looks for the presented example:

It made Post offices layer visible, set the map view so the Jamaica Road P.O was in the exact centre and opened inspection box in that place.

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