Force full address save
In order to re-send the address data in the next COU file, please follow this short guide below:
Go to GMS app Settings and on the Tools tab change the "Force full address save" parameter to Yes and click Save.
Please DO NOT refresh the browser session after saving the settings until all full save operations are completed. This option is only active throughout the session and will automatically revert to its original state after refreshing the application.
2. Find the address record you wish to be re-sent, inspect it, and from the Actions menu on the Clipboard tab select Edit.
3. No changes need to be made. Just scroll to the bottom of the pane and click the Force Full Save button.
Please note that if the Force full address save function is still active, the blue button at the bottom of the edit pane will say Force Full Save instead of the usual Save Address.
This will re-save the entire record (BLPU, LPI, XREF) and change the last update date to today so that the record will be picked for upload during the next processing.
If you want to make sure that the record will indeed be picked up, please manually create a COU file and see if the details of the record are present.