Edit Nodes

Edit Nodes

This tool allows you to change the focus of editing from the whole geometry to its vertices (nodes). To use this tool you have to select a record and start the editing process.

How to use the Edit Nodes tool

To explain how to use this tool we will be using a prepared record:

In this example we will use Edit Nodes tool to change the shape of a rectangle. Firstly, we need to select the rectangle. To do that we’ll use the Mark & Move tool.

Please pick the Mark & Move tool and click on the desired record.

Inspection symbol will appear in that spot and all information about the record will be displayed in the Inspector panel. Now we are ready to start the editing process. Please click the Edit record button.

Please be aware that Inspector panel will display records only from layers that belong to specified inspection set. For example if you choose to inspect only Selected layers you will have to set the layer as Selectable to display records from it.

Clicking the Edit record button will change the selected record colour to yellow. It means that the record is currently in the Edit mode.

You can also select a record that you want to edit by using the Inspect tool. On the Inspected record list you can choose from which layer you want to edit a record in selected location. Then you can click Edit button to enter the Edit mode.

Records which are in Edit mode can be modified by all tools from the Modify Selected Geometries group. Because we want to edit nodes of a geometry we will pick the Edit Nodes tool.

Activating the Edit Nodes tool will force Earthlight to display all nodes of the selected record.

We can perform 3 operations on the selected record nodes:

Please remember that all changes made to a record during the edit process must be saved. To do that, please click the Save button on the right Edit Record panel.


  1. Move a node

    To move a node please place the mouse cursor above the existing node. Mouse cursor will change. Please click and hold the left mouse button and drag the node to its new location.

  2. Add a new node

    To add a new node please click on an existing node. The node will change its colour to white. You are now able to add a new node between the selected (White) and next (Black) node. A small + icon will appear next to the mouse cursor when you will hover it between the two nodes. Clicking the left mouse button will add a new node.

    Please click in the location where you would like to add a new node. The node will appear instantly.

  • Delete a node
    To delete a node we have to select it. To select a node please simply click on it. Selected node will change its colour to white.

    When we select a node the Delete Nodes tool becomes available.

    Please click it to delete the selected node.

    We have used all Edit Node tools. The rectangle has changed its shape and we can now save our work. To do that please click Save button on the right panel.

    This is how the final result looks:

4. Editing multiple nodes

It is also possible to select multiple nodes, and then moving or deleting group of nodes.

  • To select more than one node, please hold down Ctrl key on your keyboard while being in Editing nodes mode. Then you should be able to select all desired nodes one by one. When you will finish, please release the Ctrl key.

  • To quickly select nodes which are adjacent between two nodes, please click start node first and the last node, but with the Shift button pressed. All nodes between them, will be selected as well.

The result:

Editing Nodes - explicitly setting Node Coordinates

Users can also locate and edit new and existing nodes by stipulating explicit coordinates for each node.

With the geometry feature in 'Edit Session', and the 'Edit Node' tool activated, the user can either click on an existing node to select it, or click the cursor on the boundary 

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