Structural search

Structural search

Structural search allows user to start zeroing on specific record based on different columns from the same layer. Therefore the user first provide a value for one column which leads to smaller result set, then selecting second column and finally it can select final results from third column.

Structural search dialog window
(1) 'Name:' field allows you to enter a name of your Structural search task. The name it is visible in your tasks lists in Aurora:

(2) 'Description' field – text entered in this field will be displayed above the search box:

(3) 'Searched layer' – in this drop down list you can select a layer which will be used in search
(4) 'Max number records:' – in this filed you can set maximum amount of records which should be displayed as results.
(5) 'Empty record expression:' field allows you to enter custom text which will be displayed in the case when there is no records on lower level.
E.g. a building without any flat records. You can enter also column expression in this field – e.g. [BULIDING_NAME] (it can be useful in the case when there is building without number and you set searching by building numbers).
(6) 'Find button caption' – text which will be displayed on the search button.

(7) 'First column' - In this dropdown list you can select which column will be searched by text entered in the search box.
(8) 'First column operator' – This dropdown list allows to select how entered characters should be searched in selected column.
(9) – 'First column expression:' – In this field you can set label for records on first level. You can use column expressions and regular text.
It is recommended to include in this expression the column which will be selected in the dropdown below. E.g. If you would like to use Locality column on second level, you should add [LOCALITY] expression in the first column expression field.
(10) 'Second column' – In this drop dropdown list you can select second column used for search.
(11) 'Second column expression:' – In this field you can set label for records on second level. You can use column expressions and regular text.

(12) 'Third column' - In this drop dropdown list you can select third column used for search.
(13) 'Third column expression:' – In this field you can set label for records on third level. You can use column expressions and regular text.

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