Save Record
Save Record
Save record task allows Aurora to pass information gathered from the user and save it in the database. It is therefore usually combined with a Capture geometry or Show Form tasks. The Capture geometry task allows a user to draw a geometry on the map and Show Form allows to enter data which later can be saved by Save record task to the specified layer from the Aurora map. There are 3 sections in the Save record task properties window:
- Here you can choose to which layer (table) from the Aurora map you want to save the gathered data.
- When you choose a layer from the drop down list (1) all columns from the selected layer will be listed in this data grid.
The left column (Name) shows table column names and the right column (Value) shows blank fields. You can either type in a value that will be stored in a particular column directly (in which case all records added will have the same value there) or you can map the Fields from the right pane (3) to the columns here. - Here you can see a list of Output Values fields. These fields are storing data gathered by the tasks mentioned above. You can use the Output Values to fill the Value fields in the previous section.