Create SpaceMap using StatMap Courier

Create SpaceMap using StatMap Courier


Because Earthlight is constantly reading the content of MasterMap folder in order to serve MasterMap layers to users it is paramount to stop IIS server and therefore Earthlight operations before attempting to recreate SpaceMap.
Once StatMap Courier operations are finished and new SpaceMap is created please restart the Web server.
Follow the link to learn more about IIS Management: IIS Management

If you want to do MasterMap conversion during office hours with minimal disruptions to Earthlight operations we recommend following set of actions (please make sure that you have enough free HDD space for a second copy of MasterMap in SpaceMap format):

  1. create a new folder next to the existing SpaceMap Repository folder (lets call it SpaceMap Repository Redux),
  2. open Courier, create new project and set the destination folder to SpaceMap Repository Redux,
  3. run conversion and wait for it to finish,
  4. run iisreset/stop to disable Earthlight server. More information about executing iisreset can be found here: IIS Management
  5. rename the existing SpaceMap Repository folder to SpaceMap Repository Backup and the SpaceMap Repository Redux to SpaceMap Repository,
  6. run iisreset/start and your done. Just a few seconds of Earthlight downtime (as long as it takes for iisreset to stop and start the IIS service) and you have Earthlight serving new MasterMap,
  7. run Firestarter to speed up Earthlight operations – it will take some time depending on how much data Firestarter has to push to memory, but Earthlight is operational while Firestarter runs. 
    To run Firestarter please open Earthlight in the browser and instead of map.html type

Import MasterMap into Earthlight

Importing MasterMap into Earthlight is done by StatMap Courier software. The process involves converting MasterMap file structure into SpaceMap indexed file structure that allows for MasterMap layer data to be kept out of the database therefore significantly reducing database size as well as increasing its speed. Since SpaceMap was designed with spatial data in mind it makes possible for Earthlight to serve MasterMap data from files without any drop in performance. 
Open StatMap Courier application (to find where it is located please see your reference card) by executing Courier.exe. 
The first window is for information purposes only, so you can simply skip it by clicking Next.

All existing projects will be listed in the Existing projects window. You can either choose one of these projects or create a new one by clicking Create.

Create new project

Click Create and you will be prompted to give this new project a name. Once you finish click Next.

Here you can choose the type of uploading task.


Even though change-only-updates are supported we recommend using initial datasets (Full Supply) for MasterMap uploads.

On the next screen you can select the source directory or file for upload. If you are uploading MasterMap then Select Add Directory…, choose the top directory where MasterMap files are located and since MasterMap data is split into subdirectories check the Include subdirectories checkbox.

temp directory

On the next screen you can specify the directory where StatMap Courier should create the MasterMap layers. Please click Select and point to a default folder containing SpaceMap (location of this folder can be found in your reference card). For the cell size please set 512 metres for the Master Map and 1024 metres for Vector Map Local.

The following screen allows you to pick the schema set for your MasterMap. Please do not change the version unless the schema chosen by StatMap Courier software does not work. You can also exclude any of the layers from import or configure table structure for each layer.

We suggest to check the boxes next to the following layers: BoundaryLine, CartographicSymbol, CartographicText, TopographicArea, TopographicLine, and TopographicPoint.

When you are finished with configuring the layers you want to import click Next and you will be given a chance to verify the upload settings before initializing the upload.


Execute existing project

Once you have made an upload project you can reuse it for future uploads.

Please keep in mind that reusing is only advised when the project is being used to upload the same type of data e.g. MasterMap projects cannot be used for VectorMapLocal uploads.

To do so, please pick an existing project on the list and click Next.


Next screen gives you opportunity to change the type of upload you want to perform. Just like before we recommend an initial dataset upload – it is not very time consuming for a single council but gives you certainty that all MasterMap data are up to date. 


Next screen shows you the source directory. It is already filled since these settings are stored in the project. Of course you can change it or add another file or directory to the list. 


As you can see on the next screen Space Map destination directory is already filled as well. 


The second to last is the Define feature -> table mapping screen. Similar to the above it is already filled, so if the only thing you want from this upload is to update the datasets with new information of the same structure you can simply press Next. 


The last screen allows you to verify upload settings. If you are satisfied with everything press the Upload an initial dataset button. 


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