General - Raster layer
Title – this is the name of the layer that will be shown in Map Key pane. By default layer’s title is set to the name of a table that the layer represents.
Browse Metadata – this button opens Metadata window, where either internal or INSPIRE compliant metadata can be edited.
Description – longer description of layer’s content, purpose etc.
Metadata URL – this field allows you to enter an URL address of external metadata file that supplement the information contained in the layer.
Copyrights – layer copyrights, if exist. Copyrights are displayed in the bottom left corner of Map view.
Copyrights order – order of copyrights from different layers.
Visible – this checkbox controls layer visibility, if checked additional options (hide when zoom out and hide when zoom in) become available.
Hide when zoom out/in – controls at what scale layer will be visible or invisible.
Selectable – when this option is enabled a user will be able to make the layer selectable for purposes of Inspection and/or Selection.
Legend key visibility – controls if and how the layer will be listed in the Map Key pane. There are 3 possible options in the drop down menu:
- Visible – is always visible
- Collapsed – only the top level of any structure will be visible (i.e.: if a group layer has legend key visibility set to Collapsed than users (except for admin) will not be able to expand this group in order to see its content)
- Hidden – users (except for admin) will not see this layer entry in the Map Key pane. The layer will still be visible in the Map window.