Rasterized vector maps
Rasterized vector maps
Ordnance Survey raster layers are best example of rasterized vector maps. This data is well suited for conversion to PNG.
To convert Ordnance Survey raster layers into pyramid, you need to follow the steps below:
- We suggest using SMPyramid type as it is the new method that has improved performance in comparison with SMRaster. SMPyramid method allows you to choose the number of CPU threads used by Raster Loader (this will control the data processing speed and usage of system resources).
- Click Browse... and select the folder that holds Earthlight default raster repository [Usually, the default path to raster repository is EarthlightData\Raster Repository directory (when you create the layer in a different place, you will need to move pyramid files manually into default Raster Repository folder)]. Type a new, non-existing name in the save dialog if you want to upload a completely new raster layer, or select an existing layer if you need to update an existing dataset.
- Click Add... and select all files from the folder containing your images (Remember to include geolocalization files).
- Check if the files were correctly geolocated.
- Set the output format to PNG.
- Start the process and wait until the raster layer is finished.