It contains advanced security options.
Inactivity period in minutes
Idle sessions will be disconnected after a specified number of minutes.
This option is disabled by default, in case you would like it to be enabled on your environment, please contact StatMap Support for assistance.
Maximum login tries count before cooldown
Number of failed login attempts before cooldown is applied.
Cooldown period in minutes
Time in which user won’t be able to login after the maximum log in tries value is exceeded.
Setting this field to 0 will automatically lock an account when cooldown should be applied. Administrators will have to change user’s password in order to unlock the account.
Password validity in days
Number of days after which user will have to change the password.
Password requirements section
Password minimal length
Minimal length of characters that can be used in password. Administrators can bypass this rule when changing the password via Users And Groups tool → Change password option
Section that determines what characters need to be used while creating new passwords:
Upper case and lower case letters
Special characters (eg: !@#$%^&*()_+)
Advanced Import options
Force User Group
Only accounts belonging to the specified group will be displayed in Users And Groups tool.
Force Table Prefix
Tables created via Earthlight’s Import tool will have the set prefix added to their names.
Force Layer Directory
Set directory will be used by Import tool as well as by Add Layers tool.