This tool allows gazetteer custodians to create new properties. The pane visible below enables them to provide all attributes necessary for setting up new or modifying an existing property.
All mandatory fields are denoted with the red line between the field's label and value box.
In this section you can provide address details of the created / edited property.
Initially only the Primary Addressable Object details are visible, so if you need to provide Secondary details please click the Show SAO button.
If you wish to create multiple addresses at once, e.g.: a block of flats or a group of new properties being developed, you can use the + button to open an address range editor window.
This section allows you to add or modify a BLPU provenance polygon. To add Users can draw a polygon please click the + button and start capturing the geometry of the BLPU on the map. new polygon by hand using +Freehand option or clone an existing one using +Clone.
When a user have finished drawing the geometry, an attribute pane will be shown on which they must select the provenance code and can provide supplementary information to support the selected provenance code in the text box labelled Annotation.