Earthlight watermark image

Earthlight watermark image

To configure a new watermark image and set it as Earthlight’s watermark please follow the steps below:

Select Resource Editor tool from Administration tab.

In Style Editor window select Polygon styles.

Polygon Style Picker will appear. Select any style from the polygon styles list and click Edit button.

Now choose Pattern tab.

Now we’ll load the image. To do so, click on the Pattern image field.

We suggest using .png pattern images with transparent background. It will allow you to easily set the pattern without further configuration.

Select the image location and click OK to confirm it. The image will be displayed in the Pattern window. You can configure the pattern parameters in the lower panel. Now choose the Colour tab.

In the Colour tab set the Fill color: as white and change the Opacity to 10.

Changing Opacity will affect the image displayed in Earthlight but it’s not displayed in the Edit polygon style image Preview window.

To confirm the settings click the Apply button. A Polygon Style Picker window will appear. Use the Save as button to save the new style.

Select the location, enter the image name and click Apply button to save the new style. In this example we will name it – watermark image. The default path for polygon styles is/Resources/Polygon Styles/

Now we are ready to set the new image as watermark. Go to Global/Inheritable User Settings, open the Copyrights tab and click the Browse button.

In Change watermark window go to the new style location, select it from the list and click Apply button.

Watermark image is set. Remember to reload the session to see how it looks.

This is how presented example looks in Earthlight:


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