Show Height Profile

Show Height Profile


To enable this tool to work correctly the Height Data must be loaded into the map base. Specifically at least the raster layer with height values must be present in the current map. To generate slope profiles also slope layer must exist in the map, in addition to the height layer.

The Show tool can be used to display the profile data, from the start of the drawn profile to the end. It shows the contours of the land in metres . If a slope layer is available, the user can select slope profile by selecting Slope button. Slope profiles are always displayed in degrees. Clicking on the Show tool icon will generate a Height Profiles.

The Height Profiles window has 5 sections:

  1. Profile
    Here you can select for which profile you want to generate a chart. Please click on the small box to open a drop-down list and select a profile.
  2. Copy data
    This button creates a list of all measurement points of the Height Profile. It contains X and Y coordinates, Height and Distance from the starting point location. The list is stored in the clipboard. You can copy it by using Copy to clipboard button. This is how it looks in MS Excel:
  3. Distance/Surface Distance

    This section displays the information about total Distance and Surface Distance of the currently presented height profile.
  4. Height/Slope

    This section is available only if a slope layer exist in the map. Here you can select if you want to generate a chart for Height or Slope data. Slope data are presented in degrees.
  5. Chart
    Here you can see a chart for currently selected profile and precision settings.

Sample every:

This tools allows you to control the precision of chart generated by Show tool. If you want to control the precision please check the small box and set desired value (in metres). This is how it works for sample every 100 metres setting:

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