This guide is designed as step-by-step instruction on using the EvoCall tool for extracting data from the StatMap GMS system. The execution of this tool is performed via batch files and the scheduling should be configured through Windows Task Scheduler. EvoCall can be deployed on any modern computer with Microsoft Windows operating system on the condition that this computer has .NET Framework 4.8 installed. EvoCall communicates with the StatMap GMS system on standard HTTP/HTTPS ports.
Content of export directories
Usually, there are 4 directories containing the files exported from the GMS via EvoCall for redistribution over back-office systems. The directories naming is based on the DTF7.3 Version 3.1 specification. The naming can vary in some cases, due to client's requirements. Please find the short description of their content below.
GMS_Exports\COU - this directory contains Change-Only Update files (COUs). This file contains only records that were inserted or updated since the last COU was generated. This file is the same as the one generated and uploaded daily into the GeoPlace Hub.
GMS_Exports\COUwithNoExport - files contained in this directory are essentially the same as the normal COUs, meaning they only contain inserts and updates from the period since the last COU was generated, however, they will also contain records marked in the system as No Export. No Export records are not uploaded into GeoPlace Hub.
GMS_Exports\Full - directory containing the full DTF files exported from the GMS system. Full DTF files contain all records from the GMS system designated for uploading into GeoPlace Hub.
GMS_Exports\FullwithNoExport - the last directory within the GMS_Export catalogue contains full DTF exports from the GMS system with the addition of records marked as No Export.
EvoCall task configuration