- to start Earthlight with a set of parameters enter your default Earthlight map URL address followed by question mark (?) and the set of parameters, e.g.: http://www.london.gov.uk/mapearthlight.html?login=user25&password=pass25&x=123456&y=654321
- each parameter name has to be followed by an equals sign (=) and its value, e.g. login=user25
- parameters are separated with an ampersand (&), e.g. login=user25&password=pass25
- map value has to be a complete path to the desired map (including folder name)
- there are two ways of setting map’s viewpoint:
- using pair of easting and northing parameters (much like Go To Coords tool)
- using inspect_table, inspect_field, inspect_value set of parameters (much like Find In Layer tool)
- drill_down has only one value drill_down=true (this parameter can be omitted if Inspect tool execution is not required)